Monday, March 28, 2011

Logo Designs

In this Blog post I've included samples of logo designs I've done for different projects both in print and for the web. The challenges regarding logo design are very different from the ones I face when I take on more traditional Illustration projects. They can be a little difficult to get a handle on sometimes, especially when I have to do multiple logos and still maintain style consistency among all of them. But they can be very fun to do and rewarding when done right.

I can often look back on the work I've done in logo design and not cringe or find something I need to change or adjust. The obsessive-compulsive side of me always feels the need to take out an old project or assignment and change it or redo it. I almost never feel that a drawing or illustration is truly done. Sometimes I think it's my own personal curse. Not so when it comes to logos. I don't know what it is about them, but they represent the work I find to be the most complete in my mind.

Logos for the different sections of a now-defunct website main page.

These logos were for different sections of a children's textbook so the reader could see at a glance the subject matter and what kind activities they would find.

Other logo designs for a different line of children's textbooks.

The following images are from Logos I designed for a cable access local television show called Showroom. It's a variety show with a special emphasis on Fashion. The show is split up in different segments. I did a logo for each segment. Knowing what I knew about the show, I took for inspiration the silhouette of a black mannequin and took off from there.

The show's main title.

This segment discusses future weekly social events.

This segment discusses any one designer's fashion runway show of the week.

This segment discussed past social events.

This segment discusses future fashion trends, Internet news and technology.

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